Frequently Asked Questions

Porcelain dental veneers are unique thin custom- made shell of tooth colored material designed to fit or cover the front teeth. It is normally referred to as a cosmetic procedure.
Veneers do not last forever. Porcelain Veneers can last between 10 to 20 years.
Some people believe because their natural teeth is not exposed there is no need to brush. It is very important to brush your veneers. It is advisable to use a toothbrush with medium to soft bristle..
A root canal is a procedure that is done to remove inflamed or infected pulp from a tooth in order to save that tooth. The pulp is made up of connective tissue, nerves and blood vessel to help promote the growth of the tooth.
You will have to visit your dentist to know if a root canal is needed for sure. However her are some signs to look for; discoloration of your teeth, a pimple like swelling of your gums that releases blood upon pressing, lingering pain to hot or cold drinks and pain when chewing or biting.
Root Canal procedures are not suppose to be painful. These procedures are done with local anesthesia. With the Skills and experience of Dr, Zinman his patients reported that their procedures are painless.
This is normally referred to as a cosmetic procedure. Teeth whitening procedures are designed to erase stains and lighten the color of your teeth for a younger-looking, more attractive smile.
Whitening is one of the most common ways people whiten their teeth, and it can be very tempting to purchase kits without professional advice, which does not always work out to the satisfaction of the patients. For safety and effectiveness it is best to visit a professional. Visit Zinman DDS office Pacoima. .
Generally speaking, if you maintain your teeth and gums regularly, do not have Type II Diabetes, do not have heart problems, or are not pregnant or nursing, you most likely are a good candidate for teeth whitening. However, we always recommend that you ask your dentist to ensure that you are a good candidate.